Lest we forget
Gendringen - Wisch 1940 -1945

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On the road to liberty (53 km) cycle tour.
The Jew-baiting in Nazi Germany starts in the night from November 9 to 10, 1938. All over Germany Jews are attacked, synagogues set on fire, Jewish shops and enterprises demolished. Also Jewish houses, schools, cemeteries and hospitals have to collect the damage. That night, known in history as “the Kristallnacht” is the very beginning of the Jew-baiting in Europe.
The route is signposted and has a 53 km length. Starting and ending point is in Megchelen at the Oranjeplein. The route also is part of the app: Abelleisure.nl named: “scherven van geluk” (shards of happiness)
The route mainly is situated in Germany.