Lest we forget
Gendringen - Wisch 1940 -1945

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War over Oude IJsselstreek: Etten Rafelder
He just wanted to go on a mission, one more time.
March 1942. How a nightly battle meant the end of a Short Stirling from the 7th Squadron. The bombload had been released, but back to base became impossible. It crashes at the Tappenweg in Etten, set on fire by a German Messerschmidt.
The commander of the RAF base in Lossiemouth (Scotland), just wanted to fly a mission once more , although it was not his task. The aircrew already completed 30 sorties and they were entitled to leave, but they still wanted to go on a mission with the wing commander. It became fatal.
Six Englishmen and an Australian died and are buried at the Roman Catholic Cemetery in Gendringen.
The poignant story of John Abel Chapman.