Victims Rademakersbroek
In the early morning of March 2, 1945, 46 people were shot.
Apart from the victims killed by a bombardment, deportation or plane crash, 46 innocent people were shot at the Rademakersbroek in a corn field behind the Kraaijenbrink farm towards the end of the war. Because the resistance group gathering together in the Bark (an old farm in the outskirts of de Heurne) executed four German soldiers, (www.liberationroute.com/nl/pois/revenge-sparks-mass-execution) the occupiers took reprisal measures.
Out of the prison of Doetinchem 46 random prisoners were awakened to be transported to the Rademakersbroek (a street in the outskirts of Varsseveld) The youngest victim was 18 years old, the eldest 65 years old. Among them leaders of the Gelderland resistance. At 8 o’clock that morning the firing squad fires. The bodies were buried in a mass grave in Varsseveld, some time later. Because these men got a little note in the pockets of their jacket while leaving the prison to show their identity, the bodies later were re-cased to be buried in the place they lived before. Some are buried on the Cemetery of Honour in Loenen.
Victims Rademakersbroek
Anema, Johannes K.S. | 24 |
Assman, Oswald R.W. | 57 |
Baar, Hilbrand J. | 20 |
Bakker, Dionisius D. | 65 |
Blankestijn, Jan | 30 |
Boks Scholten, Franciscus L. | 27 |
Bols, Albert | 35 |
Bouwman, Jacobus F.G. | 22 |
Brummer, Christiaan L. | 31 |
Dam, Wouter van | 40 |
Drijver, IJsbrand W. den | 47 |
Fleer Jan C.H. | 47 |
Fleer Jan C.H. | 21 |
Geen Hendrik G. van | 23 |
Gerritsen Willem | 24 |
Grendelman Mannes | 31 |
Grevengoed Evert van | 48 |
Griemink Gerrit | 27 |
Groot Jan J. de | 41 |
Haar Jan van der | 31 |
Heuvel Willebrordus H.G.C. van den | 26 |
Hohoff Leendert S. | 25 |
IJzerman Abram A. | 19 |
IJzerman Pieter B.J. | 49 |
Kok Petrus J. de | 42 |
Kortlang Luther A.E. | 24 |
Louwerens Cornelis J. | 24 |
Lovink Gerhardus J. | 37 |
Luichies Gerrit | 58 |
Meerhof Gerrit A. | 31 |
Oordt Wolter | 25 |
Ormel Gerrit J. | 34 |
Rietstap Derk Jan te | 31 |
Salomons Geert | 30 |
Schaftenaar Gijs A. | 35 |
Schutten Gerrit J. | 25 |
Schuurman Hermannes | 31 |
Seinen Roelof | 32 |
Sluis Willem van der | 34 |
Timmerman Albert | 47 |
Toerse Gerrit | 25 |
Voorde Gerhardus H. ten | 18 |
Vries Jan de | 24 |
Wezel Hendrik van | 38 |
Wijngaarden Jan | 24 |
Zwetselaar Teunis van | 44 |